Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crab Cakes & Tres Leches!

Help Spread the Word - Local Economy is Booming

When you have the most fabulous idea you can't wait to share it with a friend. When you find a product that makes your life easier and even better brings a smile to your face you tell the moms at pick up and the person next to you in line at check out. When you feel as though you've been cheated or taken advantage of you tell your mom, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, and even the postman. Why is it when we've been hurt we share it with the world but when we've been helped or given a gift we tell a precious few?

I'm proposing that we make a shift in how we respond to the people and world around us. Let's take on a new challenge. When something good is said or done and we are fortunate enough to be around it let's start sharing it. It's not bragging or gloating its helping to kick off a chain reaction of good. It can start off simple and then just as we plant seeds in business, spreading the word about good things it can have a HUGE beneficial impact on local business and economies. So here's what I propose:

Take one thing that you love from a local store and or business. It has to be something you truly love and can't get enough of. Begin bringing it up in conversation with friends and neighbors who would benefit from the knowledge. Make it your project for the week to see how many people you can spread the word to in your town. This is going to be mine. I've been going to Pepperland Cafe since we started building The Little Hat Company. There are two items on the menu that I order almost every time I go there. I can't get enough of them and always get at least one other person with me to try it. This week I am going to try to spread the word to as many people that I can about Pepperland's Crab Cakes and Tres Leches Cakes. Why? Because number one - they are by far the most scrumptious things I have ever tasted in my life. Have I told you that I have eaten in Paris, LA, NYC, across the Midwest, the Western Carribean, a cruise ship or two, and still by far Pepperland's Crab Cakes and Tres Leches are my personal favorites!!

I suggest you treat yourself and after the kids go to bed, get a sitter and venture down to Pepperland's for a piece of cake. Bring your husband/wife and while enjoying the creamy, moist, delicious cake with fresh berry ask them how their day was.

I can't wait to hear through the grapevine what your most favorite product or service is in South Berwick, Maine.

Here are some other things I've been thinking about

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One more thing!

So, I wrote last night about my experience with Little Hat, but I neglected to mention all the hatters that I've become close to.

Deb Knowlton, "dkhatmaker"..please don't ever change that email address. I cannot explain to you how much I learned from you, laughed with you and am so lucky to have gotten to know you. I will not let go of our dream to sew together on your porch in our fuzzy pants! You have such a nice family and little brit..well she knows how I feel about her! :)

Linda Wozny, "Woz" (I still can't call you that for some strange reason), you are such a nice person and have always been willing to help out whenever you were needed, so glad to have met you.

Barb Mundell, although we didn't get to know each other very well, I know from Jen and Sue how important your role was in The Little Hat Company right from the beginning and that without you, we wouldn't have had the wonderful labels in all our hats that read "The Little Hat Company, South Berwick, Maine". I believe sewing on that label was my favorite part!

Amy Manchester, you are an amazing mom and woman! I envy your strength, both inside and out and miss you, but am happy for you in Nantucket!

Kim Frank, I remember when you began working at Little Hat and if it hadn't been for you, I might not have begun cutting fabric. I have missed you not working with us, but because we are family and friends, I can call you and see you whenever I want!

Sue Page, or Sue Paaage as we affectionately call you. You are an incredible light who doesn't even realize how special you are, always positive, always hysterical and always a joy to be around. New York City and lots of corn come to mind! You have an invisible halo over your head that we can see everyday. Your parents should be very proud to know what a great job they have done. I feel so blessed to have met you and call you my friend, and look forward to so many more years of laughter with you!

And Jen Houghton, you brought me into this magical little company, shared your story with me, eventually hugged me :), taught me countless lessons about business, friendship, life, laughed with me, cried with me and I would not trade any of those moments. You are an amazing person, and I hope that someday you will come to realize how your heart affects everyone around you and has affected all of the "Hatter's". I know that whatever path you are brought on in the future, that it will be bigger, better and absolutely amazing, and I will be right by your side enjoying the ride as usual! Thank you for all of it. In my heart, I will always be a "Little Hatter" in South Berwick, Maine.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's time to say "Uncle"...

Feeling lots of different emotions right now, but honestly my experience and journey with The Little Hat Company the past 2 1/2 years has opened my heart in so many ways. I have gained more confidence in myself and my abilities. I have met so many wonderful, caring people in our community. I have learned about small business and most importantly have gained friendships that I wouldn't have had if I had just stayed in my cozy home, with my fuzzy pants on, in my comfort zone. I have absolutely loved every minute of being a Little Hatter, from the beginning to the end, and all the ups and downs in between. It has been a rollercoaster ride, an emotional high, a learning experience and I wouldn't trade one solitary moment of it. We have made so many memories together that I will cherish forever and share with whoever is willing to listen. So although this is the "end" of something that was so much fun, so exciting and even stressful at times, I realize that it can also be a window into something else, something better and something new. Big thank you's go to all the people who have supported The Little Hat Company, listened to the story, shared it with others and bought our hats for their children's noggins and their own.

One never knows what the future holds, but as long as our hearts are open to it, anything is the words of one very funny "Hatter".....Carry on. Cathie McCoomb

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Uncle" It's time to say Uncle

This will be our last email newsletter from The Little Hat Company. We have loved being little hatters and look forward to finding out what we will become in the future. We want to thank you for all of your loyal support.

We will be continuing our blog as we close down the business and transition into the next phase of our lives. We would still love to hear from you and see how the hats are making their way across the globe.

Good Things We've Learned:

Anything is possible
Dream Big
Money does Matter
When you close a door a window opens
Dishes in the sink will never disappear
It takes a good story to make a good story

We can't thank you enough for all the support you have given us, we couldn't have made it without you!

The Little Hatters

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Adults are staying warm in New England with Kozy Kaps!

This past weekend in New England was cold! We were at the York Harvest Festival for Friday through Sunday and loved every minute of it. Well maybe not so much when the rain started coming down Sunday. The Little Hat Company began with a summer lid for a baby, Libby. Since then we have added to our sizes, designs, and seasons and for some reason it always surprises me to see our lids on adults of all ages, sexes, backgrounds, and locations. I love it. When people first try on one of our micro-fleece Kozy Kaps they always say "ooooooohh Kozy". They never think that they will look good in the bright large prints but let me tell you that is what they end up wearing when they leave our booth. At this years Harvestfest we were so excited to make friends with the girls from "A kick in the glass". Faith and Donna as seen above sandwiched between me and Cathie were instant cohorts and we are excited for their new venture and business. They are showcasing their product at The Holiday Showcase at The Old Neal Farm in North Berwick on November 14th and 15th. FMI call 207-676-4040.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Instead of a Purple Cow...How about a Black Crow?

Our Kozy Kaps keep you warm, kozy, and attract birds of all colors and sizes. They are available at The Little Hat Company in multiple patterns and all sizes for babies to adults.

Enjoying the Woods in New England

New England is one of the best places to take a walk in the fall.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where are your Chemo Caps?

"Jen, where are your Chemo Caps?"
I was asked this question at a Rotary meeting this morning and it took me off guard. My quick answer was that kids and adults are already wearing Kozy Kaps while they are dealing with chemo treatments.

I tried to explain to Steve that I didn't think it was right to say that our Kozy Kaps are Chemo Caps. He was almost frustrasted with my response.

The Little Hat Company is a unique business in many ways. We have not taken the traditional path as most companies starting out. We laugh together, we cry together,and we sew hats together.

I woke up this morning at 3:00am, than 4, than 5, and then finally just after 6:00am I rolled over and new I needed to get up. Thursday mornings mean Rotary. My husband's day off so he gets the kids ready for school. It's funny that I fought off the idea of joining Rotary mostly for silly reasons for quite some time. Just ask Mark. But since joining Rotary I have discovered more about myself and my business in such a short time then I would have ever thought possible.

I'm starting to get to know more names and also developing friendships with more of the members. I know what you're thinking... I was right there with you. What would I have in common with a group that is heavily male dominated and retired. The truth is that for most of my career I've always worked with men and I grew up as the youngest of five. My brother is 15 years older than I so actually I fit right in with Rotary.

When Steve (I'm embarrassed to say I don't know his last name) came up to me at the morning meeting I was a little taken back. He came right over and asked if I was The Little Hat Lady. I said yes. He then asked me - "Where are your Chemo Caps? Don't you have Chemo Caps? I looked all over the site and couldn't find them."

I knew that we did and that people are wearing our kozy kaps while they are going through Chemo treatments but it is something that I have always hesitated putting out there in the forefront of our business. It is such a personal horrific disease that I felt it was dishonorable to try to make a buck at someone's expense. In the store once I heard that someone was dealing with cancer I would end up giving them one or more of our Kozy Kaps as a gift.

Steve was obviously frustrated at my inability to explain why we didn't make it easy for people to find "Chemo Caps" on our site. He shared with me that his wife had battled cancer and had hated wearing the scarf on her head for warmth and protection. It made me think of my sister who had battled breast cancer twice and had been frustrated looking for options to keep warm and cover her bare head in public.

So maybe I'm not getting it...maybe if we make a product offers a solution to a difficult problem I should be telling everybody in the world about it.

When we first made it Kozy Kaps it was for the intent of keeping little noggins warm in New England. We planted a seed and since then Kozy Kaps have served a multitude of purposes. In the picture above my daughter is wearing one playing soccer.

Life is crazy hard sometimes and who knows what the answer is...I'm just thankful for the people I've met building The Little Hat Company and the people I've met in Rotary. I'm more thankful for the stories I've heard and the lessons I've learned.

Smile and find joy in today!

Jen Houghton

P.S. Here is a letter we received about one of our Kozy Kaps "Chemo Caps"

Hi Jen,
I went to Pgh to visit my mom this weekend. She just loves her caps. They keep her warm at night and comfy during the day when her wig gets uncomfortable. She wore one in the hospital over the weekend and got lots of compliments. My Dad likes the blue one because it makes her eyes look blue and she likes the pink one because it makes her feel happy.
She thinks Amy's Treat sounds like a great org. We will definitely be donating.
Thanks for sending them to her - it's the little things like a comfy cap that matter when you don't feel well. Cancer Sucks - they hand out buttons with that slogan on it at her cancer center - you are doing something good to make it suck a little less. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amy's Treat - Enriching the Journey of Those Living With Cancer

When Lenore first came into The Little Hat Company we had never heard of Amy's Treat or had the slightest idea of how one person's legacy could bring so much joy to others. Certain people in life have a spark that seems to grow as they come in contact with others and knows when someone's in need. Amy's Treat has become one of those organizations which are built from one of these sparks and we are proud to be working with them to bring relief and help to people in need. When cancer appears lives are changed dramatically. Amy's Treat is there to offer help wherever needed. I have been touched by stories of them finding rides, purchasing furniture, filling oil tanks, refridgerators, treating a family to a night off to take the focus off of cancer, and also finding toys for a single mom to give to her daughters during the holidays when medical bills are all but consuming.

Learn more about this amazing organization - Amy's Treat
Support Amy's Treat - Amy's Treat Kozy Kaps

Monday, September 14, 2009

Matching Lids for Sisters in Massachussetts - Sun Hats

Hi Jen,

Hi, it's Lynne Grady from South Berwick. I ordered a couple hats from you this summer. You were so incredibly sweet you gave me a complimentary hat to give to my sister in MA. I'm emailing you a picture of us wearing your hats at a family party in MA.

I am so sorry it took me this long to get this picture to you. I was going to add it to your website but I've never blogged before and got discouraged. I just went back on again today and did the same thing all over again. I don't know how to blog and start my own webpage so I decided to email you it instead. I hope that's okay too.

My sister, Christine, lives in Auburn, MA and we were there for a big family party - her son was celebrating his 1st birthday. She LOVES the hat and the fabric! We both received a lot of compliments on both styles.

Thank you so much again!
From 2 big 'Little Hat Company' fans

* The two sisters are wearing the Beachcomber Lid and the Cog Lid - click to buy

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Santa Lid from North Pole Alaska reaches out to The Little Hat Company

Hi. My name is Betsy and I live in North Pole, Alaska. It's a great place to live. On Tuesday night I had two moose in my yard eating the vegetable garden.

I can't tell you how I managed to run across your site, but your products are adorable! As someone who makes baby hats too, I felt compelled to email a picture of one of my hats.

Have a good day,

Betsy Anderson
North Pole, AK

Monday, August 31, 2009

Strawberry Lid pops up this summer at Cape Cod Massachussetts

Greetings Jen...Your hat received many compliments when were were down in Cape Cod. Hope you are well


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beachcomber Sun Hat found right here in our back yard.

I wanted to share a few pictures of my daughter Lilliana wearing her Little Hat Company hat in the garden at home in South Berwick. We have received so many compliments on the hat! We love it!


Kelly St. Pierre

This weekend The Little Hat Company was at two shows: one in North Conway and the other in Minnesoata. We are excited to be leaving our own backyard and venturing further to show our hats and introduce them to noggins all over the country. While today was beautiful and sunny with a touch of fall in the air, yesterday we sold mostly Kozy Kaps as faithful craft show followers made it out in the down pour rain and a solid 57 degree weather.

We are looking forward to taking part in more Craft Shows throughout New England this far and love to see pictures of where our lids are showing up in the world even if it is in our very own backyard.

If you would like to see more lids visit us online : The Little Hat Company.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Introducing our first "Green" Recycled Adult Bucket Lid - One of Kind

Bill Page, our co-founder's husband stopped by yesterday with a request. He wanted me to make him one of our bucket lids that he would be able to wear on his upcoming family vacation to Disney. Sue, GMom, Amy, Katherine, Sydney, and Harrison are all going to be sporting one of our bucket lids while visiting Disney, Wild Kingdom, MGM, and just hanging out at the pool. Bill is behind The Little Hat Company 100% and wanted to show his support. Bill is also hugely creative and wanted a one-of-a kind lid, the first ever if you will. I told him to pick out his fabric and when I dropped the kids off later that day I would sew his lid for him.

So after hours in the pool, we're having a New England heatwave, I received a call from Bill. He wanted to know if I could make a Bucket Lid for him from one of his old shirts that he wasn't wearing anymore.

Voila - our first "Green" Bucket Lid made from a shirt Bill was no longer wearing in his closet. He asked me to somehow incorporate the tag from his glory days. I also used one of his cotton Timberland T'shirts that had seen better days for the lining. It was new but oddly familiar and Bill loved it!!

If you have a shirt in your closet that you would like made into a bucket lid email the little hatters - . Tell us your size and style of lid you would like it made into and we'll send you the address to ship you article of clothing to and the expected date of transformation. We're very excited to start recycling your closet!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Adventures With Abby - My new favorite blog & source of inspiration

Abby is a little girl who recently came into my life through a picture sent in of her wearing one of our beachcombers. I was excited because her mom had just happened to be someone I had grown up with and spent time with her and my other friend Kelly. The funny thing is she became life long friends with Vicky, one of my best friends from Spofford. It was fun to start connecting with everyone on Facebook and to see how they've changed. The last time that I have been face to face with most of my childhood friends was 9th grade and that's how I remember them.

Misty ordered a second hat for her daughter Abby and I was thrilled. I was thrilled that she liked them and I could tell by the pictures that Abby was a true hat girl. I loved it. So cute...then I noticed tonight that we are starting to get a little traffic from a blog I hadn't visited - Adventures with Abby. I just spent some time getting to know my childhood friend a little bit better and discovering what a truly gifted mom and person she has become. My heart was touched by the love, support, nurturing, laughter, and grace that was pouring out of this blog from Misty and her husband directed mostly towards their daughter but also their friends and family.

I admire how family is truly their number one priority in life. It is easy to become distracted in life by some of the things that just don't matter as much as loved ones. New businesses, ideas, hobbies, and things. We have so many things that it takes so much of our time keeping up with it all. (I wish I could keep up with it all) In just one night Abby and Misty have taught me that - don't feel guilty about the dishes sitting overnight, the pile of paperwork will not go anywhere and it will be done in time for quarterlies, the gardens are hardy and know how to survive even with the weeds if they must. When my little ones come to me with something to say or wanting to play...I am going to think of Abby's family and try very hard to not say automatically 'in a minute'. After all the three of my children are so much more valuable then any thing I might be working on at the time. My mom always reminds me that one day they will grow up and you will have plenty of things around you...but somehow you'll only be able to think about them.

My hat off to you Misty and Mr. Misty for bringing such a bright light into this world and making sure she shines for everyone to see. I know where I'm going when I need a quick dose of whats really important in life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lakeside, Elm Brook Park, Hopkinton New Hampshire- protected from the sun and dipping toes in the water

Ab from Keene New Hampshire has become our number one beachcomber wearing girl. Her mom and I were Keene High Blackbirds together until my parents moved me to Maine and landed at Traip Academy in Kittery, Maine.

It wasn't until Misty discovered The Little Hat Company that we've become reacquainted. Abs is dipping her toes in at Elm Brook Park, in Hopkinton New Hampshire at a birthday party. This is one party that I wish I had received an invite. It looks so relaxing!! Thanks for wearing our lids Abs!

If you would like to check out Abs beachcomber and our other fabrics and styles please visit our online store - The Little Hat Company.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Onion River Kids in Mountpelier VT just ordered Kozy Kaps, Toppy Lids, our great fleece winter lids!

We are excited to announce the Onion River Kids in Mountpelier VT discovered The Little Hat Company and placed an order for Fleece Kozy Kaps and Toppy Lids. They will be arriving at their store shortly.

Keeping the sun out of her face - Sun Hats for a special little girl

" I wanted to share a couple of pictures of my daughter in The Little hat Company's Beachcomber hat and Bucket lid. I was in town visiting family and I purchased one at the Strawberry Festival and one at the Wells Arts and Crafts show. I love the hats...Alexis does too!

Thanks for making a great quality, stylish hat. I also love that you're a local company. I look forward to many more purchases in the future."

Danielle Osterhaus

We love to receive emails with pictures from all over the world. The Little Hat Company is fortunate to have such great friends and we look forward to seeing how our sun hats and fleece winter lids come alive and take on their very own personality with each baby, toddler, child and now adult. One of our favorite things is when a group of people are in our tent at a show trying on different hats in a fury. We hang our full mirror low enough for children to check out how they look in one of our hats and it is cute watching the adults bend down to catch a glimpse and make a decision between styles and fabrics. Alexis sent us two pictures: one of her in our beachcomber lid and the other of her in our bucket lid.

Please remember The Little Hat Company for holidays and also baby showers. Help us spread the word and build a national brand by sharing our friends and family online coupon - halfoffhat it entitles you to 50% off your first purchase online when shopping at The Little Hat Company. Enjoy your shopping experience and we look forward to seeing one of our hats on you!!

Best Wishes,

The Little Hatters,
Deb, Cathie, Barb, Sue, Linda, & Jen

Friday, August 7, 2009

Details Gifts, Wolfeboro NH - Beachcomber Baby Sun Hat Appears

Details Gifts is my new favorite store in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. We met Olivia and Robin at the Summer Tradition craft show last month and they are seen here in Details with one of our Beachcomber Lids.

I just went online to find out more about their store and was amazed at how they've put their store together. It makes you want to shop just being at their website. I hope you have time to visit their online store and if you live close enough take a ride over. It's less than an hour from Dover, New Hampshire. The town is beautiful and a great place to spend the day or your vacation at the lake!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July's Little Hat...Big World Contest Winner - "When are we going Camping"

Hanna Bulger of Good Girl Graphics, chose July's winner because of his incredible smile and how happy he looked. We are excited to be sending out a free lid from to his family or as a gift from them to anyone in the U.S. A. If you have a great shot of someone you love wearing a sun hat or winter hat from The Little Hat Company email us and you will be entered in Little Hat...Big World. We love to see where our hats have ended up on the planet and are always grateful to see how far across the globe they have traveled. Of course we are just as happy to see the hats that have landed in our backyard. Go New England!