Saturday, July 25, 2009

Whale Lid surfaces in Portland Maine - origin Seacoast Science Center

Living in New England is unpredictable and exciting. You never know what you are going to run into and when you'll ever see it again. The Seacoast Science Center asked us to make them whale lids for their new whale exhibit - Tofu. We delivered three types of custom whale lids to them last winter just before Christmas. Then in the middle of summer we were fortunate to receive this adorable picture from the Portland area of a little boy wearing one of the special Tofu Celebratorial Whale Lids from The Little Hat Company. You can make out the tail sprouting from the ocean on the top of his noggin. Love it!!

The Little Hat Company loves creating Custom Caps for your athletics team, charity, organizations, or to proudly display your logo. Check out our Custom Lids Page - "Custom Caps"

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