Sunday, April 26, 2009

To Hat or Not To Hat...that is the question

Have you ever tried to force a three year old to wear a hat? Why is it that some children welcome the addition of a chapeau to their noggin so easily like it is another piece of their anatomy and others struggle, fight, and end up tossing the hat off their head as soon as it touches down on their crown? When we first started selling hats just three years ago my standard reply when people said to me that their kids wouldn't wear hats was... " you just have to train them" I showed them pictures of Libby so casually wearing her stroller lids at the park, in her car seat, stroller, and playing in the yard."

Not that I don't think kids should wear hats because I do believe with all my heart that they are a great way to shade from the sun and elements, but some kids will resist hats to the day they outgrow them. As a mom of three I say take one less pressure or feeling of guilt off your shoulders. If your kids are not a natural chapeau stand then stock up on extra sun lotion. I'm all about going with the flow in life. Just remember to lather up their part in their hair.

Their is something so Audrey Hepburn about kids and grown ups in hats. The little extra touch of attention shown in getting ready for the day. But hats are not for everyone and it ultimately comes down to being a choice to hat or not to hat.

I hope you hat!! Have a beautiful Sunday!

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