Please visit the236diner to keep informed about the going ons in South Berwick. Here is an excerpt that helped us reach out to our friends and customers. Thank you for all of your help Molly and beautiful gift with words.
Little Hat Company store closing to focus on hats
May 27th, 2009 by Molly Colman.
This news from Jennifer Houghton, owner of Little Hat Company today:
Making Room for Hats
50% off all toys at The Little Hat Company – Help us Spread the Word
Thursday, May 28th from 12:00 – 7:00 pm
Friday 29th from 4:00 – 9:00pm
& Sunday 31st from 10:00 –5:00pm
Now is your chance to buy dollhouses, train tables, kitchens, and all of our great toys for half price. The Little Hat Company is going back to its roots and focusing on building our hat business from South Berwick, ME. We are moving our business online in order to stay focused and also more importantly to be with our children while they are still young. We are very thankful for all the support you have showed our toy store for the past 2 ½ years. We will be relaunching our website with our new styles and fabrics at the first of June. Take a look www.thelittlehatcompany.com . We will also have a booth at The Strawberry Festival on the last Saturday in June and can’t wait to show you the new adult Strawberry Lid that Deb created for the 5k road race.
Posted in: Businesses, buy local.
Tagged: business · buy local
← Wildlife Center Seeks VolunteersNice People doing Good Things →4 Comments on “Little Hat Company store closing to focus on hats”
#1 pfousek
on May 29th, 2009 at 1:50 pm
I’m sad to hear that The Little Hat Company is closing it’s store. In my opinion, The Little Hat Company brought character to South Berwick’s little downtown and will definitely be missed.
#2 Molly Colman
on May 29th, 2009 at 1:56 pm
I am sad too. It has been a great presence in the downtown. I will miss the herd of stuffed animals and the colorful flag that really added cheer to the downtown. I’m happy though that Little Hat will continue to grow as an online business. It’s gotten great national recognition. I wish Jen and her team the best as they move on to the next phase of their business.
#3 Mary Vaughn
on May 29th, 2009 at 2:59 pm
I am sorry to see The Little Hat Company closing it’s doors. It has been such a bright spot as you drive through or walk in town. The store had a charming, magical quality for children and adults alike. Best of luck to Jen and all her talented staff on their future endeavors. I too will miss the colorful flag and stuffed animals as part of the downtown landscape.
#4 Little Hatter
on May 30th, 2009 at 12:15 am
I am sad that I am not going to be on Main Street to put the dogs out each day and raise the ladybug flag. There is something magical about the corner of Portland & Main - it was there before we even moved in. We have felt so fortunate to be a part of the downtown and know that huge things are in its future just around the corner. I have never felt at home as much as I do in South Berwick and yes I am a “NH” girl from an even smaller community with only one retail store in its center which hasn’t been opened since I was in 8th grade.
It’s not the individual stores that make up a town its the collection of businesses that can hang on through anything and it’s those store keepers that I truly admire. Abby has decorated our Main Street long before we opened and she will be here for my kids’ prom. The chinese & pizza places are my families main stay for late night dinners and will always be! Anna & Aaron ask for a Jones soda from Nature’s Way as a special treat when I’m on my way home from closing the store. The Catered Event has the coolest ice cubes in town - have you ever ordered one of Marsha’s ice coffees?
How cool is it that South Berwick has one of the remaining few privately owned pharmacies in the country. I had no clue how remarkable it is until my aunt and uncle filled us in. Kudos to Richard and his staff.
Where was the first place that we thought of going as we closed Little Hat for one of the last times tonight? Pepperlands of course, Lindsay was right there with his peculiar smile that we’ve all grown to appreciate. It was the toast of the glasses to a few of us Little Hatters and of course an order of Crab Cakes, Nachos, and Soup. We’ve laughed, cried, and freaked out many a times there over Little Hat and I’m sure we’re not done.
The best thing about our town? Really and truly the best thing? Our kids! I had so much fun watching them play today as their parents loaded up on holiday gifts and questioning our decision not out of judgement but out of kindness and care. One little girl started crying and said she didn’t want us to close. It made me really sad, not regretting our decision but knowing how she was feeling. It also made me hopeful knowing that against all opinions in the beginning of being on “the other” side of Main Street - we were able to create a place that people were willing to cross the street for…if the economy had held out I wouldn’t be typing this, but then we wouldn’t be shifting the focus back to the hats.
Please know that I tried everything that I could to keep our little store open…I’ve met so many wonderful people and shared way too many personal thoughts and stories. I will miss the holidays the most. Please keep an eye and ear out for us as we dig in deep to keep the hats growing and one day in the near future we will be able to open a store again and perhaps just maybe The Little Hat Company will sell hats.
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