When Lenore first came into The Little Hat Company we had never heard of Amy's Treat or had the slightest idea of how one person's legacy could bring so much joy to others. Certain people in life have a spark that seems to grow as they come in contact with others and knows when someone's in need. Amy's Treat has become one of those organizations which are built from one of these sparks and we are proud to be working with them to bring relief and help to people in need. When cancer appears lives are changed dramatically. Amy's Treat is there to offer help wherever needed. I have been touched by stories of them finding rides, purchasing furniture, filling oil tanks, refridgerators, treating a family to a night off to take the focus off of cancer, and also finding toys for a single mom to give to her daughters during the holidays when medical bills are all but consuming.
Learn more about this amazing organization - Amy's Treat
Support Amy's Treat - Amy's Treat Kozy Kaps