This is me and my son Aaron. He's fourteen and when he was born I started my first business - Basket Case, aptly named for my state of mind at the time. This past weekend Aaron and I embarked on one of our most prized adventures together. Last Saturday we woke up at 4:00am in the morning and headed to Newbury MA. We were part of team "Bumbles". Those are the cutest little bumble bees flying across our shirts.
My sister lost her only daughter to Cystic Fibrosis two years ago. Aaron and Kim were very close and shared a lot of their personality's and love for the Boston Red Sox. Kimmy was born when I was ten and I loved being with her. She was beautiful, brilliant, stubborn, artistic, and had the best giggle. Kim lived to be 25 years old but it wasn't long enough. Her quality of life was less then something that could be dealt with but somehow she forged on through life and found her own path. We miss her tons!
So crazy family that we are my sister convinced Aaron and I to join their team bumbles and ride 150 miles over the span of two days. OUCH!! Who said I didn't need to train? Somewhere in between being a mom of three, a business owner and a wife I only succeeded in squeezing in three training rides. Not my best but we made it - my greatest moment was my teenager not ever complaining once or saying he wanted to quit!! He kept his eyes forward and his heart in the right place. I'm so happy to be able to include him in this blog and introduce you to my son. Often with The Little Hat Company he remains behind the scenes - his noggin is way to big for the Stroller or Loope Lid - not that he would be caught in one.
I just want to say that I love him more than the entire world and I am one proud MOM!! If you would like to find out more about Cystic Fibrosis and how you can help please visit their site
By the way - our little Bumbles team raised more than 4000K! The advancements that have been made since Kim was born and since passed are only short of miraculous.
Hi Team Bumbles,
Thank you for riding. My family was staffing the Kittery rest stop and didn't realize who you were when you came through. I've been in your store, bought a hat for my daughter there. My Mom knows Pat Robinson...small world. My son, Trevor, is 9 and has CF. I'm so sorry you lost your neice to CF but I'm so happy you're part of the solution. Thank you for riding, you guys looked strong as you came through Sunday.
Christie Salema
Christie- It is a small world. Thank you so much for the pit stop in Kittery. It was one of my favorite stops. Your son is beautiful and he is in my thoughts everyday and especially next year when Team Bumbles takes the road again. Thank you for the comment about Sunday - I thought I was going to pass out. Did you meet the rider who has CF such amazing shape and personality. All the cf kids are brilliant, beautiful, and funny. Thank you for connecting!
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