A lot of people wonder why Little Hat has reached so many more people than my other businesses. At first I didn't know how to answer or really what was the reason behind it all. Well, I'm starting to get glimpses of how this all works and it is absolutely wonderful. Little Hat has taught me - It's okay to ask for help. In the beginning when we were just starting out people were saying what a great job I was doing and instinctively I would answer "it's not me". There is something else at work here. Too many things just seemed to line up at the right time when we needed them too. It's not to say that we haven't done an amazing amount of work. Sue, Barb, Deb, Kim, Cathie, Amy, Linda, Gail, Kim, Joyce, Ginny, Valerie, Kathleen, Kris, Connie, Deb, Lauren, Matt, and many more have pushed up our sleeves and worked into all hours of the night when needed. There is a certain knowing or faith that we are all meant to be in this together and see it to the end. I have shed more tears of joy, fear, laughter, anxiety, and aha moments then any other time in my life. I have been pushed out into the community to meet the most gracious, kind, wise, giving, and helpful people. For most of my career I would allow myself to only get so far into success and then push back saying I didn't deserve what was just around the corner. Well not anymore. Everyone deserves abundance. Everyone needs abundance so that they can then share with their families, their friends, and their communities. It is so important for us to share the support that we have received from our community and each other. Please let us know how we can help you! Sue Page has taught me so many things in the past three years: much of which she shrugs off and says I'm silly. The greatest gift that she has imparted on me is to be patient and share the daily joys with my family. It has been so easy to get caught up in the daily tribulations of Little Hat...then one call from Sue and I'm instantly reminded of why we are looking so crazy in those strawberry hats... we are doing it for our families, friends, and community. Our goal is to bring abundance and joy to each and share with everyone how to get it for themselves. Life is such a wonderful gift we've been given, and feels especially so when we are truly able to shrug off our daily struggles and realize there is always joy in front of us for us to be a part of and enjoy.
Just a morning thought and a whole lot of gratitude goes out to all of you for helping!!