Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wow- that was way easier than I thought to post a movie clip!
"thought you might like to see you hat creation on vacation in Mont Tremblant Quebec.. Marley Ruth Leavitt...
Have a great day!!!" Tina.
Mont Tremblant Quebec hosts the Sweet Charity Stroller Lid

"thought you might like to see you hat creation on vacation in Mont Tremblant Quebec.. Marley Ruth Leavitt...
Have a great day!!!",Tina.
Tina also sent us a movie clip of Smiley Marley showing off her Sweet Charity Lid on the cobblestone streets of Quebec. As soon as I post this adorable picture I am going to put my toddler to bed and try to find out how to share this amazing clip with you. It's pure heaven for The Little Hat Company
Did I tell you how very appreciative we are for each and everyone of you sending in the beautiful images of our Stroller Lids as faithful traveling companions all over the world. It really feels good to be a global company!! Please let us know how we may be of service to you!
Best Wishes,
The Little Hat Company
Monday, July 21, 2008
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Team Bumbles
This is me and my son Aaron. He's fourteen and when he was born I started my first business - Basket Case, aptly named for my state of mind at the time. This past weekend Aaron and I embarked on one of our most prized adventures together. Last Saturday we woke up at 4:00am in the morning and headed to Newbury MA. We were part of team "Bumbles". Those are the cutest little bumble bees flying across our shirts.
My sister lost her only daughter to Cystic Fibrosis two years ago. Aaron and Kim were very close and shared a lot of their personality's and love for the Boston Red Sox. Kimmy was born when I was ten and I loved being with her. She was beautiful, brilliant, stubborn, artistic, and had the best giggle. Kim lived to be 25 years old but it wasn't long enough. Her quality of life was less then something that could be dealt with but somehow she forged on through life and found her own path. We miss her tons!
So crazy family that we are my sister convinced Aaron and I to join their team bumbles and ride 150 miles over the span of two days. OUCH!! Who said I didn't need to train? Somewhere in between being a mom of three, a business owner and a wife I only succeeded in squeezing in three training rides. Not my best but we made it - my greatest moment was my teenager not ever complaining once or saying he wanted to quit!! He kept his eyes forward and his heart in the right place. I'm so happy to be able to include him in this blog and introduce you to my son. Often with The Little Hat Company he remains behind the scenes - his noggin is way to big for the Stroller or Loope Lid - not that he would be caught in one.
I just want to say that I love him more than the entire world and I am one proud MOM!! If you would like to find out more about Cystic Fibrosis and how you can help please visit their site
By the way - our little Bumbles team raised more than 4000K! The advancements that have been made since Kim was born and since passed are only short of miraculous.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Little Hat goes to StoryLand Glenn New Hampshire

"Here is a picture of our 17 month old Brianna ( South Berwick native), who is a huge fan of the Little Hat Company.
She is wearing her Strawberry hat at the Pumpkin patch at StoryLand in Glen NH during the 4th of July weekend." -Lanette
A note from The Little Hat Company: Brianna was one of our first customers while she was still in her Mom's belly. Her parents have supported us from the very beginning and we are so very thankful! It is because of Brianna and her family and many others like them that we have grown so quickly. This incredible picture means so much to our company because it represents the time that has passed, the thousands of hats that have gone out across the world, and the amazing people the company has brought into our lives. We are so very thankful for your support!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Words to Live By...from one little hat to a whole lot of others
That's Cathie in the pink looking up at the camera on our recent Avon Breast Cancer Walk in Boston. Last night our whole team of Managers met in my porch- beneath the twinkle lights and through Sue's vision built our dream boards. We started at 7:30pm and finished at 11:55pm. Yikes. We were saying goodbye for now to Connie who's leaving for Alaska.
We are going to miss her for now she'll be back!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
On Top of Ole Smokey
The Little Hat Company is teaming up with Cuddle Bee to extend its popular line of Stroller Lids. Coming very soon - A gift set to include, CuddleBee Bib & Burp with matching Stroller Lid. A perfect baby shower gift!
Stay tuned these adorable gift sets will be available soon!
For now visit our online store: The Little Hat Company
Lobster Lid is afloat in New Hampshire

Our Lobster Lid - the newest addition to The Little Hat Company's Stroller Lid line was just recently spotted afloat in some remote pool in Western New Hampshire.
The little man was surprised as he was caught in the act of taking a little R&R away from his jet setting life.
To view the Lobster Lid and additional styles of our Stroller Lids visit The Little Hat Company at our company store or online.
Amazing photographer Donnie Kelley offers up a sensational recipe for summer fun in her blog Donnie Kelley
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Children Can Learn French in South Berwick

SOUTH BERWICK, Maine — Things are happening upstairs at The Little Hat Company. Beginning in September, Nicole Gastonguay Ritchie will start L'École de Nicole in the space, offering "Fun with French" through songs, games, puppets, role play, art and more for children between the ages of 4 and 6.
Ritchie was looking for a place to start teaching French to young children. She found the perfect space after talking with Jennifer Houghton at The Little Hat Company, and laying the groundwork for French classes for pre-kindergartners and kindergartners.
At a glance
L'Ecole de Nicole
Owner: Nicole Gastonguay Ritchie
Location: 10 Portland St., South Berwick, Maine
Phone: (207) 332-8320
"In many other countries, children grow up learning multiple languages," Ritchie said. "It is troubling to me that children in our community are not exposed to foreign language at an early age.
"Children should be given the gift of language, and I want them to have fun learning French," she added. "With the help of The Little Hat Company, my dream of having a French school for children will come true."
A lifelong French speaker, Ritchie has long seen the need for foreign language exposure for children in this community. She grew up in Lewiston, Maine, surrounded by the Franco-American culture. Her grandparents were from Canada. Her father was a career French teacher.
As a child, there was often more French than English heard and spoken at her home, and she said she relished her annual family trips to Canada to visit her French-speaking relatives. Ritchie was taught French in school starting in the first grade, which gave her a strong background by the time she reached the high school French honors program.
Ritchie was a double major, French and mathematics, at Bowdoin College, where she spent a semester away at La Sorbonne in Paris. After graduating, she continued her French studies in Switzerland at L'Université de Lausanne. While there, she also did extensive train travel to nearby countries.
Prior to having her own family, she taught French in various private schools, including Berwick Academy, where she took students to Quebec City, Canada, to learn about the Canadian culture. She said these experiences have helped her to appreciate foreign languages and cultures.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Good Girl Graphics picks a couple of winners!
Hanna is greatly responsible for shaping the new look and feel of The Little Hat Company. She has worked on everything from our logo, packaging, to our beautiful and award winning website. Although her client list is ever increasing she never fails to give your project the one on one time and energy it deserves. She captured our look and feel of our company after sitting and listening to our ideas, goals, and hopes for the future. "Hanna we are very thankful to be working with you and Good Girl Graphics!"
The Little Hat Company
Enter our Little Hat...Big World contest by emailing us your picture of a little one in a Stroller Lid posing anywhere in the world. Enter to win a free Stroller or Loope Lid from The Little Hat Company.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Abby Chic and The Little Hat Company are Teaming Up

Abby Chic, a cool & beautiful shop to purchase flowers has teamed up with us to offer an incredible gift to new babies. Abby, shop keeper and florist, has generously made the new baby gift available on her website abby .
The floral arrangements come with a choice of either a baby boy or baby stroller hat from The Little Hat Company with a dainty violet arrangement and card. For more information visit Abby's wonderful site above.
To view the many different Stroller Hats available visit our website
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Maine Lobsters and Local Strawberrys

Whose brilliant idea was it to use the puppet stand from our toy store to highlight our Strawberry and Lobster Lids. We hosted a good ole fashioned bbque in our booth - sans the grilling action. The Strawberry Festival in South Berwick, Maine was such a wonderful experience for The Little Hat Company. Someone even told us that they heard we were going to be on either Oprah or Marth Stewart. Sue and I both looked at each other and thought, "Now that's amazing!"
2008 Strawberry Run Winners
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Jasmine - cutest strawberry shortcake in South Berwick
Sue and I met the most adorable little Saturday at the Strawberry Festival in South Berwick. She came adorned with her Strawberry Patch Lid and Strawberry Festival tank top. Jasmine was very proud to represent her home town's time honored tradition. Her parents were amazing and we had a great time talking with them about our town and Jasmine. Other children quickly caught on to Jasmine's trend setting fashion and came running to our booth for their very own Strawberry Patch Lid. Thank you so much Jasmine for your support!!